AL-HARAMEEN Azan Watches Series
AL-HARAMEEN Azan Clocks: Several forms of Azan clocks several
different shapes and sizes, for home, office, hall and Masjid.It has various
advantages: Worldwide prayer times remind you prayertime every day,
With Hijri calendar&Gregorian calendar, Dual-language (English-Arabic)
for better use, Qibla Direction by the north.Analog with LCD to display
Azan time and date with multiple azan soundswith prayers, easy setting,
programming the city in a clock according to the alphabetical order and
city code.
AL-HARAMEEN Clock is equipped with the latest global technologies
and rich cities choices (6000 cities) all round the world, different Taqweem
systems in different regions, let you know the most accurateAzan times
everywhere in the world.